The introduction of no-fault divorce in the UK in April 2022 represents a significant shift in family law. There is no longer an emphasis on waiting for a period of separation, nor is there the need for a spouse to blame the other for the breakdown of the marriage. The introduction of the no-fault divorce allows parties to end their marriage without a reason being cited which can greatly reduce tension, speed up agreements in other matters such as children and finances and make the entire process more amicable.
With the new no-fault divorce option, each spouse can jointly or individually apply for a divorce on the grounds of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. There are circumstances in which Rebecca would advise to pursue a sole divorce application and circumstances she would suggest a joint application is more appropriate. This would be discussed with you before issuing the application on your behalf. Most notably, if one spouse feels that the other party is not fully agreeable with the divorce proceeding, this would be a significant
reason for a sole divorce to be considered more appropriate. A joint divorce involves both parties jointly progressing the application and if one party is more reluctant to end the marriage, this can cause unnecessary delays.
There has been significant feedback following the introduction of the no-fault divorce which suggests that parties feel that pursuing a divorce now has less hurdles to overcome and the process feels much more focused on ensuring that both parties can amicably move forward into their future rather than becoming embroiled in tense arguments, or having to wait for long periods of separation simply to close the chapter in their lives.